Testing And Tagging

Testing and Tagging involves testing all forms of electrical equipment to AS/NZS 3760:2010 standard and for OH&S purposes.


Our job is to determine if your electrical equipment is unsafe, damaged or poses a risk to your personal safety. The team at Elecworks are highly skilled in all areas of risk prevention and minimisation – and have extensive experience in testing and tagging maintenance. 


Don’t underestimate the power of testing and tagging your electrical equipment


The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OH&S) states that employers have a strong duty of care to keep their employees safe in the workplace. These protocols are there to help reduce potential risk and danger in every situation.


During a routine inspection, Elecworks will ensure:


  • Your equipment is regularly inspected, tested and maintained as per the AS/NZS 3760:2010 standard.
  • All your electrical equipment is safe for use in the workplace.
  • If a fault is detected, a qualified technician will automatically disconnect this item from the electricity supply – and ‘tag’ it out of use. As part of our risk management strategies, our licensed electricians will initiate immediate repairs, replace or permanently remove the faulty product.  



How often do I need to test and tag my electrical equipment?

AS/NZS 3760:2010 specifies the safety inspection and maintenance standards for Australia.





Inspection and testing intervals can range from daily, monthly, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 2 years and up to 5 yearly testing schedules.  If you’re still not sure what is best for your business, speak to an Elecworks electrical expert today.




Residual Current Device (RCD) Testing

Commonly known as a safety switch device, RCD testing is designed to protect you should an imbalance occur between the active and neutral conductor.  This is commonly caused by - faulty appliances, machinery and equipment; and can have serious repercussions if disconnection to the power circuit takes too long to occur. Don’t leave it until it’s too late.


Our fully licensed technicians can do a thorough testing of your electrical items to ensure maximum safety in the workplace.


Our aim is to help you create a safe workplace environment. Contact Elecworks today on      

1800 811 660 for all your testing and tagging needs.